LPG Piped Gas Systems for Residential Flats

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In a conventional LPG distribution system, consumer has to call up the distributor, book refills and stay at home to receive gas. But in LPG Piped Gas System/LPG Reticulate System, consumer gets 24 hours gas supply at the turn of tap. More households will prefer the system as it offers convenience in terms of space. Piped cooking gas supply to households is the latest value-addition being offered by reputed builders in the city

Features of LPG piped gas

·        24 hours gas supply at the turn of tap

·        No holiday for Gas supply

·        Gas meter for recording on actual consumption

·        Pay after use

·        No entry to delivery boy

Conventional LPG V/s LPG Piped Gas Systems


Conventional LPG:


·        Call up the distributor, book refills and stay at home to receive gas

·        Gas deliveries restricted during holidays

·        Follow up with LPG distributor.

·        Space required for storing cylinder in the kitchen

·        Delivery boy tips

·        Pay on receipt of gas

·        High pressure liquefied gas in kitchen

·        Unsafe of infants & kids

LPG Piped Gas Systems:

·        Uninterrupted gas supply

·        Centralized Distribution System to supply gas to each and every Kitchen through a network of safe piping

·        Pipe line systems with pressure regulation and safety devices

·        No cylinder in the kitchen or inside the flat.

·        No waiting list for new connection or refill.

·        No entry to delivery boy inside the house.


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